Mercedes-Benz ja Sugar on 2024 ORC avamerepurjetamise Eesti ja Soome meistrid

14.-16. juunil peeti Tallinnas Kalevi Jahtklubis avamerepurjetamise ORC A ja B klasside Eesti ja Soome meistrivõistlused regati Baltic Offshore Week 2024 raames. Kolme võistluspäeva jooksul peeti kokku seitse võistlussõitu – kuus lühirajal ja pea kaksteist tundi kestnud avameresõit. A klassi kahe maa meistritiitli võitis Jani Lehti meeskond jahil Mercedes-Benz (GP 42) Soomest ja B klassi meistritiitel kuulub Eesti jahile Sugar (Italia 9.98 F), mille roolis Sandro Montefusco.

BOW 2024 kokkuvõte ja galerii Postimehes

Mercedes-Benz and Sugar are the 2024 ORC Champions of Estonia and Finland

From June 14th to 16th, the ORC A and B class Offshore Sailing Championships of Estonia and Finland were held at Kalev Yacht Club in Tallinn, as part of the Baltic Offshore Week 2024 regatta. Seven races were held over three days of competition – six windward(leeward races and a nearly twelve-hour offshore race. The A class champion of both countries is the crew of Jani Lehti on the yacht Mercedes-Benz (GP 42) from Finland, while the B class championship title went to the Estonian yacht Sugar (Italia 9.98 F), helmed by Sandro Montefusco.

SUGAR Italia 9.98 F, leading the pack – Baltic Offshore Week 2024 © Gerli Tooming Photography

The Baltic Offshore Week has alternated between the northern and southern shores of the Gulf of Finland since 2008. This year’s regatta in Tallinn attracted 22 yachts from Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. Traditionally, this regatta has been highly competitive and is an important preparation for the upcoming ORC championship, which this year will be the ORC European Championship in Mariehamn, Åland, in August.

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Day 1 Update – BOW 2024 in Tallinn

After a two-year wait, 𝗕𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸 has returned to the Estonian shore of the Gulf of Finland! We’re thrilled to welcome 22 boats from Finland, Sweden, and Estonia competing for the ORC Champion titles of Estonia and Finland in Classes A and B.

Class A features 8 boats, while Class B boasts 14 boats.

The day began with a Skippers Meeting at the Kalev Yacht Club marina, where PRO Andres Talts briefed sailors on the plan for four windward/leeward races. Despite the light and unstable morning wind, conditions improved in the afternoon.

The first race saw a significant wind change, with Charlie at the gate and a new bearing to the second upwind mark. The A class had a nervous start, leading to four boats missing the starting line and having to start again. The second start was more balanced, despite some wind shifts.

Unfortunately, the wind died, and the PRO hoisted AP, announcing a wait for steadier conditions. Stay tuned for more updates!

BOW2024 in Tallinn - © Kristi Talts
BOW2024 in Tallinn Day 1 – © Kristi Talts

Baltic Offshore Week 2024 in Tallinn

Baltic Offshore Week (BOW), within which the champions of the Estonian and Finnish offshore sailing ORC classes are determined, has been held more or less alternately on the northern and southern shores of the Gulf of Finland since 2008. This year’s regatta is organized by Kalev Yacht Club in cooperation with the Finnish Offshore Sailing Association and the Estonian Yachting Union. The Official Notice Board and Registration are in Manage2Sail.

Preliminary program:
Thursday 13th June
16:00-20:00 Registration + measurement checks

Friday 14th June
8:00-9:30 Registration
10:00 Skippers Meeting
12:00 First Warning Signal – up to 4 inshore races (w/l)

Saturday, 15th June
Offshore Race

Sunday, 16th June
Up to 3 Inshore Races

Races may be re-scheduled if required by weather forecast.
On Sunday June 16, 2024 last warning signal no later than 15:00.

Kalev Yacht Club

Welcome to Tallinn and Kalev Yacht Club!

Baltic Offshore Week 2023 final day & full results

What a weekend behind for the Baltic Offshore Week 2023 sailors!

The weekend offered the fleet a mixture of no wind / light wind / heavy wind:-)

Especially the final day offered the fleet a fantastic weather in blasting downwind in over 20 knots of wind. Check out the extensive picture achive from both FB and IG

Top three boats in each class,
1. Mercedes-Benz, FIN69996, GP42, Jani Lehti
2. Shadown, EST113, J-112E, Harles Liiv
3. Olympic, EST463, X-41 mod, Tiit Vihul

1. Katariina II, EST646, Arcona 340, Alvar Tuulberg
2. Sugar, EST774, Italia9.98, Sandro Montefusco
3. Team Pro4u, SWE88, First 36.7 Mod, Patrik Forsgren

1. Penelope, FIN10605, First 31.7, Perttu Rönkkö
2. Thetis, FIN10605, First 31.7. Perttu Monthan

Hello Helsinki & Baltic Offshore Week 2023

The upcoming is just around the corner and heat is building up, both on the land and on waters 🙂

Competing boats – please read these 5 points before coming the harbour:

On arrival please dock your boat according to the harbor plan as per Manage2Sail. Your designated place is the same the entire weekend

Please note that the dock boxes shall NOT be straight on the main pontoon. They must be on the side pontoons

You have to register the boat to the harbour masters office / cafeteria and after that you’ll get two(2) badges per boat to the gates and sauna

Race office open for registration:
Thursday 15.5. from 5pm to 8pm
Friday 16.6. from 8am to 10am

Skippers meeting on 16.6. at 10am outside race office

After the first day (=Friday 16th) of racing all boats SHALL bring their trackers for charging. Deadline is inside protest time.

And all boats shall come and get back the tracker on Saturday ( = 17th) morning

See you all at the harbour!

Welcome to BOW 2023, Helsinki Finland

The 2023 edition of Baltic Offshore Week will be held in Finland. Base harbour will be MarinaBay Helsinki, see
Each competing boat shall have their own designated place from Thursday to Sunday.

Preliminary program:
Thursday 15th June: Registration + after sail (updated 5th March)

Friday 16th June: Registration, racing + after sail

Saturday 17th June: Racing + after sail

Sunday 18th June: Racing + prize giving